Adjournment when in red, denotes the suspension of court proceedings to another time due to inefficiency or frivolity on behalf of the court, defence or prosecution. 

CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Case to Answer

CSO – Community Service Order

DCI – Department of Criminal Investigation

EACCMA – East Africa Community Customs Management Act, 2002

Hearing – an opportunity in a court trial where one’s witnesses are examined, evidence adduced and providing each sides arguments.

Hearing  or Mentionas displayed denotes that the scheduled hearing, mention or other scheduled sitting (ie judgement, ruling, submissions, sentencing)  did not occur and was re-scheduled.

HWC – Human Wildlife Conflict

JKIA – Jomo Kenyatta International Airport

KWS – Kenya Wildlife Service

KRA – Kenya Revenue Authority

LATF – Lusaka Agreement Task Force – a multi-national body whose members include the Republics of Congo (Brazzaville), Kenya, Liberia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and the Kingdom of Lesotho. Based in Nairobi at the headquarters of KWS, their mission includes a number of mandates including the investigations on violations of national wildlife laws. It was launched in June 1999.

Mention – a court date where one’s matter is mentioned, happens in the 1st instance before plea taking and before hearing to enable the case to be “followed”.

NGO – Non – Governmental Organizations

NMK – National Museum of Kenya

ODPP – Office of the Director of Public Prosecution

PW – prosecution witness

Ruling – the court’s decision during a case on a particular issue before the court and could be in relation to bail, seized exhibits, or whether enough evidence is before the court to prove a prima facie case.

UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

WCMA – Wildlife Conservation & Management Act, 2013