#49. How do traffickers ship ivory and pangolin scales from the Congo into Vietnam and China?
A brilliant case summary by the SVIS Initiative, a Singapore seizure of…
Pangolin scales worth £5m seized in Cameroon on ‘major trafficking route’
SEEJ-AFRICA: 4000 kg of pangolin scales seized in Cameroon near the Nigerian…
Why it’s so hard to prosecute wildlife crimes: Lessons from Tanzania
by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, Mail & Guardian SEEJ-AFRICA: The…
‘TRAFFIC’ Report Shows Heavy Increases in 2019 Trafficking of Rhino, Tiger, Pangolin and Elephant
The following numbers are based on seizure data from the Report's focal…
MEDIA STATEMENT: WCS Commends Congolese Justice System on 30-Year Sentence of Notorious Elephant Poacher and Ivory Trafficker in Republic of Congo
* Poacher “Guyvanho,” is the first wildlife trafficker convicted in the Criminal…
Africa’s Donkeys and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
China’s Ejiao Producers Are on a Quest for Africa’s Donkeys by Alexandria…
Why Wildlife Traffickers are Escaping Justice
John M. Sellar OBE is an independent advisor in the fields of…
Botswana’s elephant crisis – no time for pride and arrogance with such a pressing need for action
By Mary Rice Executive Director EIA Botswana has been in the news…
The Woolly Mammoth Trade: Russia, Elephant Ivory Trafficking and Climate Change, a Perfect Storm
Russia and the Woolly Mammoth Trade: How Climate Change Drives Illegal Tusk…
Despite the headlines, China’s Government still promotes pangolin scales in traditional medicines
China secured huge international media coverage when its Government-controlled State media reported pangolin…