Saving Endangered Species through Education and Justice

Actioning accountability, transparency, and integrity in wildlife crime cases before the courts

The core business of SEEJ-AFRICA is court monitoring wildlife crime cases as they proceed through the judicial process; for endangered species, and the men and women of integrity who are fighting the good fight against the illegal wildlife trade. SEEJ-AFRICA is actively following in the courtroom over 90 ivory prosecutions in 18 different courts across Kenya.

Wildlife Court Cases
Just In

Case Review – Two men sentenced to 9 and 7 years imprisonment for trafficking 209 kg ivory. Would you convict?

MCCR/E812/2022  Republic vs. Salim Chibonja Myala and Chivoro Ndamau Chivoro CASE REVIEWThe following…


Machakos area – 9th and 10th police officer in past year arrested with ivory (49 kg)

On January 23rd, 2025, in the mid-afternoon, while acting on a tip…


Failed or ‘Failed’? Post Mortem of an Ivory Prosecution – Part 4 Conclusion

MCCR/1132/2015, the Republic (of Kenya) vs Abdulrahman Mahmoud Sheikh and eight others…



While much of the conservation justice world focuses on all facets in the prevention and investigation of transnational wildlife crime, SEEJ-AFRICA believes that a critical element is being overlooked; what happens in the courtroom post arrest. 

In a project supported by the Elephant Crisis Fund, an initiative by Save the Elephants and the Wildlife Conservation Network, SEEJ-AFRICA believes in the power of being in the courtroom for wildlife prosecutions for the following reasons:

  • Promote accountability and transparency for all agencies within the criminal justice process, from arraignment to final verdict and sentencing.
  • A pro-active risk mitigation to actions that may compromise vulnerable prosecutions in ivory cases.
  • Raise awareness to the current issues occurring within wildlife crime investigations and prosecutions.
  • Track cases for the purpose of analysing and diagnosing concerns relating to the administration of justice.

Welcome to our website. To the best of our knowledge, we are the only organisation in the world that follows wildlife crime in the courtroom AND reports up to date observations and findings for all.

Wildlife Crimes in the Courts Today

providing a deterrence to wildlife crime within the sphere of criminal justice.

It is about deterrence through education and awareness, deterrence through legal advocacy and justice, deterrence through knowledge based reporting and commentary, deterrence through collaboration with like minded organizations, and deterrence through a commitment to truth, integrity and independence. 

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Wildlife Crimes in the Courts Today